"Based on Version 11 of Patrollers by Michael Callaghan."
Include Patrollers IT by Leonardo Boselli.
Leggi la documentazione originale di Version 11 of Patrollers by Michael Callaghan.
Version 11 of Patrollers IT by Leonardo Boselli begins here. "Based on Version 11 of Patrollers by Michael Callaghan." "Allows a non player character to follow routes defined by rooms, directions, random journeys, the player's location or to a destination." Chapter 1 - Define a Patroller Section 1.1 - The Patroller Kind A Patroller is a kind of person. The specification of a Patroller is "Represents a non-player character whose movements we can control by setting out the character's route (specifying rooms to visit or directions to follow) or who can move randomly between rooms, to a specific destination or who can shadow the player's movements." Section 1.2 - Define whether the Patroller is On Patrol or Off Patrol Status is a kind of Value. The Statuses are On Patrol and Off Patrol. A Patroller has a Status. A Patroller is usually Off Patrol. Section 1.3 - Specify how a Patroller's route is defined MovementType is a kind of Value. The MovementTypes are RoomLed, DirectionLed, Following, Aimless and Targeted. [RoomLed The Patroller's route is set out in a table of rooms to visit. DirectionLed The Patroller's route is set out in a table of directions to follow. Following The Patroller follows the best route to the player. Aimless The Patroller's route is random. Targeted The Patroller follows the best route to a destination.] A Patroller has a MovementType. A Patroller is usually RoomLed. Section 1.4 - Define the types of route that a Patroller can follow Route is a kind of value. The Routes are OneWay, TwoWay, TwoWayRepeated and Circular. [OneWay The Patroller goes from A to B then stops. TwoWay The Patroller goes from A to B then B to A and stops. TwoWayRepeated The Patroller goes from A to B then B to A repeatedly. Circular The Patroller goes from A to B to A repeatedly.] A Patroller has a Route. A Patroller is usually OneWay. Section 1.5 - Specify where the Patroller's route is defined (relevant unless the Route is Aimless or Targeted) A Patroller has a table-name called RoomTable. The RoomTable of a Patroller is usually Table of NoRooms. A Patroller has a table-name called DirectionTable. The DirectionTable of a Patroller is usually Table of NoDirections. Section 1.6 - Specify dummy tables for the Patroller 's route Table of NoRooms
TargetRoom -- a Room
Table of NoDirections
a Direction
Section 1.7 - Define a destination for Targeted Patrollers A Patroller has a Room called Destination. Section 1.8 - Define a value to determine if a Patroller is on the outward or inward journey for TwoWay and TwoWayRepeated Routes RouteLeg is a kind of value. The RouteLegs are OutwardBound and InwardBound. A Patroller has a RouteLeg. A Patroller is usually OutwardBound. Section 1.9 - Define values to determine the length of the Patroller's route and the position of the Patroller along that route The Patroller has a number called PathLength. The PathLength of a Patroller is usually 1. The Patroller has a number called PathStage. The PathStage of a Patroller is usually 1. Section 1.10 - Define the probability that a Patroller will move on any given turn as a percentage A Patroller has a number called Drive. The Drive of a Patroller is usually 100. Section 1.11 - Define the door opening capability of the Patroller OpeningCapability is a kind of value. The OpeningCapabilities are Universal, WithKey, UnlockedOnly and None. [Universal The Patroller can get through any locked door. WithKey The Patroller can get through locked doors if s/he holds the matching key. UnlockedOnly The Patroller can get through unlocked doors only None The Patroller cannot get through any closed door Note: Open doors are not treated as a barrier to the Patroller's movement.] A Patroller has an OpeningCapability. The OpeningCapability of a Patroller is usually None. Section 1.12 - Define the door reclosing capability of the Patroller ReclosingCapability is a kind of value. The ReclosingCapabilities are Leave and Reinstate. [Leave The Patroller will not close a door after s/he has opened it. Reinstate The Patroller will return the door to its previous state after passing through it.] A Patroller has a ReclosingCapability. The ReclosingCapability of a Patroller is usually Leave. Section 1.13 - Define the frequency of the patroller's movement A Patroller has a number called Turn Frequency. The Turn Frequency of a Patroller is usually 1. [A Turn Frequency of 1 means move every turn (if the patroller is On Patrol), 2 means move every other turn, etc.] Section 1.14 - Define the start turn when the patroller becomes On Patrol A Patroller has a number called StartTurn. Section 1.15 - Define if rooms are ordinarily accessible to a patroller To decide if (R - a room) is off-limits to (P - a Patroller): decide no. Section 1.16 - Reporting movements of patrollers Reporting Status is a kind of value. The Reporting Statuses are Individual and Collective. Reporting is a Reporting Status that varies. Reporting is usually Individual. Arrival List is a list of Patrollers that varies. Departure List is a list of Patrollers that varies. Section 1.17 - Flag to trap best route returning nothing as a value RouteAvailable is a truth state that varies. Chapter 2 - Patrolling Activity Section 2.1 - Initialize Room Led Patrollers When Play begins (this is the initialize room-led patrollers rule): repeat with Bod running through RoomLed Patrollers: now the PathLength of the Bod is the number of rows in the RoomTable of the Bod; now the PathStage of the Bod is 2. Section 2.2 - Initialize Direction Led Patrollers When Play begins (this is the initialize direction-led patrollers rule): repeat with Bod running through DirectionLed Patrollers: now the PathLength of the Bod is the number of rows in the DirectionTable of the Bod; now the PathStage of the Bod is 1. Section 2.3 - Define the in-play movements of a Patroller Every turn (this is the carry out patrolling rule): truncate the Arrival List to 0 entries; truncate the Departure List to 0 entries; repeat with Bod running through On Patrol Patrollers: if the Bod is ready to move: if a random chance of Drive of the Bod in 100 succeeds: carry out the Patrolling activity with the Bod; if Reporting is Collective: if the number of entries in the arrival list is not 0: report arrivals; if the number of entries in the departure list is not 0: report departures. Chapter 3 - Define rules move moving patrollers Section 3.1 - Set up the patrolling activity and associated variables Patrolling something is an activity. The Patrolling activity has a room called CurrentRoom. The Patrolling activity has a room called NextRoom. The Patrolling activity has a direction called Way. The Patrolling activity has an object called Obstacle. The Patrolling activity has a truth state called ObstacleLocked. The Patrolling activity has a truth state called ObstacleClosed. Section 3.2 - Before rules for the patrolling activity Before Patrolling something (called the Bod) (this is the set current room for patrollers rule): if the Bod is a Patroller: now RouteAvailable is true; now the CurrentRoom is the location of the Bod. Before Patrolling something (called the Bod) (this is the set room-led patrollers rule): if the Bod is a RoomLed Patroller: [Find the correct row in the Patroller's room table.] choose row PathStage of the Bod in the RoomTable of the Bod; [Set the NextRoom from the room table.] now the NextRoom is the TargetRoom entry; [Calculate the route to the next room.] let tempWay be the best route from the CurrentRoom to the NextRoom, using even locked doors; if tempWay is nothing: now RouteAvailable is false; otherwise: now the Way is tempWay. Before Patrolling something (called the Bod) (this is the set direction-led patrollers rule): if the Bod is a DirectionLed Patroller: [Find the correct row in the Patroller's direction table.] choose row PathStage of the Bod in the DirectionTable of the Bod; [Set the direction if the Patroller is Outward Bound.] if the Bod is OutwardBound: now the Way is the TargetDirection entry; [Set the opposite direction if the Patroller in InwardBound.] if the Bod is InwardBound: now the Way is the opposite of the TargetDirection entry. Before Patrolling something (called the Bod) (this is the set aimless patrollers rule): if the Bod is an Aimless Patroller: [Create a list to hold adjoining rooms. We do this as a room on the other side of a door is not captured by the adjacent rooms command.] let RoomList be a list of objects; [Test each direction from the current room.] repeat with TestWay running through directions: [Look for rooms or doors] let NewPlace be the room-or-door the TestWay from the CurrentRoom; [if there is a room, add it to the room list.] if NewPlace is a room: unless NewPlace is off-limits to the Bod: add NewPlace to the RoomList; [if there is a door, add the other side of the door to the list.] if NewPlace is a door: unless the other side of NewPlace is off-limits to the Bod: add the other side of NewPlace to the RoomList; if the number of entries in RoomList is greater than 0: [Choose a random room from the list.] let Counter be a random number between 1 and the number of entries in RoomList; now NextRoom is entry Counter of RoomList; otherwise: [if there are no exits, setting the Next Room as the current room will ensure that Way is returned as nothing.] now NextRoom is the CurrentRoom; [Set the new direction to the way to the room.] let tempWay be the best route from the CurrentRoom to the NextRoom, using even locked doors; if tempWay is nothing: now RouteAvailable is false; otherwise: now the Way is tempWay. Before Patrolling something (called the Bod) (this is the set following patrollers rule): if the Bod is Following Patroller: let tempWay be the best route from the CurrentRoom to the location of the player, using even locked doors; if tempWay is nothing: now RouteAvailable is false; otherwise: now the Way is tempWay. Before Patrolling something (called the Bod) (this is the set targeted patrollers rule): if the Bod is Targeted Patroller: let tempWay be the best route from the CurrentRoom to the Destination of the Bod, using even locked doors; if tempWay is nothing: now RouteAvailable is false; otherwise: now the Way is tempWay. Before Patrolling something (called the Bod) (this is the test obstacles for patrollers rule): if the Bod is a Patroller and RouteAvailable is true: let Target be the room-or-door the Way from the CurrentRoom; if the Target is a door: now Obstacle is the Target; if the Obstacle is locked: now ObstacleLocked is true; otherwise: now ObstacleLocked is false; if the Obstacle is closed: now ObstacleClosed is true; otherwise: now ObstacleClosed is false; now NextRoom is the other side of the Target from the CurrentRoom; otherwise: now NextRoom is the Target. Before Patrolling something (called the Bod) (this is the try opening doors for patrollers rule): if the Bod is a Patroller: if the Obstacle is an openable closed door: if the Obstacle is locked and the Obstacle is lockable: if the OpeningCapability of the Bod is Universal: now the Obstacle is open; now the Obstacle is unlocked; if the CurrentRoom is the location of the player and Reporting is Individual: report seen unlocking and opening of the obstacle by the Bod; if the NextRoom is the location of the player and Reporting is Individual: report unseen unlocking and opening of the obstacle; if the OpeningCapability of the Bod is WithKey: if the Bod encloses the matching key of the Obstacle: now the Obstacle is open; now the Obstacle is unlocked; if the CurrentRoom is the location of the player and Reporting is Individual: report seen unlocking and opening of the obstacle by the Bod; if the NextRoom is the location of the player and Reporting is Individual: report unseen unlocking and opening of the obstacle; otherwise if the Obstacle is unlocked: if the OpeningCapability of the Bod is not None: now the Obstacle is open; if the CurrentRoom is the location of the player and Reporting is Individual: report seen opening of the obstacle by the Bod; if the NextRoom is the location of the player and Reporting is Individual: report unseen opening of the obstacle. Section 3.3 - Carry out moving the Patroller For Patrolling something (called the Bod) (this is the move patrollers rule): if the Bod is a Patroller and RouteAvailable is true: unless the NextRoom is off-limits to the Bod: try the Bod going the Way; if the location of the Bod is not the CurrentRoom: if the location of the Bod is the location of the Player: if Reporting is Collective: add the Bod to the Arrival List; if Reporting is Individual: if the Way is up: report arrival of the Bod up from the CurrentRoom; otherwise: if the Way is down: report arrival of the Bod down from the CurrentRoom; otherwise: report arrival of the Bod coming the opposite of the Way from the CurrentRoom; if the location of the Player is the CurrentRoom: if Reporting is Collective: add the Bod to the Departure List; if Reporting is Individual: report departure of the Bod going the Way to the NextRoom. Section 3.4 - After moving the Patroller After Patrolling something (called the Bod) (this is the update route for patrollers rule): [Rules for Patrollers that have route tables.] if the Bod is a RoomLed Patroller or the Bod is a DirectionLed Patroller: [Only update information if the Patroller moved.] if the Location of the Bod is not the CurrentRoom: [Rules for Patrollers that are Outward Bound.] if the Bod is OutwardBound: [Increase the PathStage of the Patroller.] increase the PathStage of the Bod by 1; [Determine what happens if the Patroller is at the end of the route.] if the PathStage of the Bod is greater than the PathLength of the Bod: [OneWay Patrollers stop at the end of their route.] if the Bod is OneWay, now the Bod is Off Patrol; [TwoWay and TwoWayRepeated Patrollers retrace their route.] if the Bod is TwoWay or the Bod is TwoWayRepeated: [Set the Patroller to retrace the route.] now the Bod is InwardBound; [Set the correct stage on the route for the Patroller.] if the Bod is RoomLed: now the PathStage of the Bod is the PathLength of the Bod minus 1; if the Bod is DirectionLed: now the PathStage of the Bod is the PathLength of the Bod; [Circular Patrollers return to the beginning of their route.] if the Bod is Circular: now the PathStage of the Bod is 1; otherwise: [Rules for Patrollers that are InwardBound.] [Decrease the PathStage of the Patroller.] decrease the PathStage of the Bod by 1; [Determine what happens if the Patroller is at the beginning of the route.] if the PathStage of the Bod is 0: [TwoWay Patrollers stop when they arrive back at the beginning of their route.] if the Bod is TwoWay: now the Bod is Off Patrol; [TwoWayRepeated Patrollers start the route all over again.] if the Bod is TwoWayRepeated: [Set the correct stage on the route for the Patroller.] if the Bod is RoomLed: now the PathStage of the Bod is 2; if the Bod is DirectionLed: now the PathStage of the Bod is 1; now the Bod is OutwardBound. After Patrolling something (called the Bod) (this is the reclose doors for patrollers rule): if the Bod is a Patroller: if the location of the Bod is not the CurrentRoom: if the ReclosingCapability of the Bod is reinstate: if the Obstacle is an openable door: if ObstacleClosed is true and ObstacleLocked is true: now the Obstacle is closed; now the Obstacle is locked; if the CurrentRoom is the location of the player and Reporting is Individual: report closing and locking of the obstacle by the Bod; if the NextRoom is the location of the player and Reporting is Individual: report closing and locking of the obstacle by the Bod; if ObstacleClosed is true and ObstacleLocked is false: now the Obstacle is closed; if the CurrentRoom is the location of the player and Reporting is Individual: report closing of the obstacle by the Bod; if the NextRoom is the location of the player and Reporting is Individual: report closing of the obstacle by the Bod. After Patrolling something (called the Bod) (this is the reached destination for targeted patrollers rule): if the Bod is a Targeted Patroller and the location of the Bod is the Destination of the Bod: now the Bod is Off Patrol. Section 3.5 - Reporting door rules To report seen opening of (item - a door) by (Bod - a patroller): say "[The Bod] apre [the item]." To report seen unlocking and opening of (item - a door) by (Bod - a patroller): say "[The Bod] sblocca e apre [the item]." To report unseen opening of (item - a door): say "Senti il rumore di qualcuno che apre [the item]." To report unseen unlocking and opening of (item - a door): say "Senti il rumore di qualcuno che sblocca e apre [the item]." To report closing of (item - a door) by (Bod - a patroller): say "[The Bod] chiude [the item]." To report closing and locking of (item - a door) by (Bod - a patroller): say "[The Bod] chiude e blocca [the item]." Section 3.6 - Reporting movement rules [Disable the standard reporting rule for the arrival and departure of non-player characters whilst the patrolling activity is in progress.] Report an actor going (this is the new describe room gone into rule): if the patrolling activity is not going on: abide by the describe room gone into rule. The new describe room gone into rule is listed instead of the describe room gone into rule in the report going rulebook. [Arrival rules used when the player is in the room when a patroller arrives.] To report arrival of (Bod - a patroller) up from (place - a room): say "[The Bod] arriva da sotto." To report arrival of (Bod - a patroller) down from (place - a room): say "[The Bod] arriva da sopra." To report arrival of (Bod - a patroller) coming (way - a direction) from (place - a room): say "[The Bod] arriva da [the way]." To report departure of (Bod - a patroller) going (way - a direction) to (place - a room): say "[The Bod] va verso [way]." To report arrivals: say "[Arrival List] arriva[if the number of entries in the arrival list is 1]no[end if]." To report departures: say "[Departure List] part[if the number of entries in the departure list is 1]e[else]ono[end if]." Section 3.7 - Activation rules To activate (Bod - a patroller): now the Bod is On Patrol; now the startturn of the Bod is the turn count. To deactivate (Bod - a patroller): now the Bod is Off Patrol. Section 3.8 - Rule for deciding if it is the patroller's turn to move To decide if (Bod - a patroller) is ready to move: [calculate how many turns have elapsed since the patroller was activated] let elapsed turns be the turn count minus the StartTurn of the Bod; [a simple error check to prevent division by 0] if the Turn Frequency of the Bod is less than 1: now the Turn Frequency of the Bod is 1; [calculate whether the elapsed turns is exactly divisible by the Turn Frequency] let decision be the remainder after dividing the elapsed turns by the Turn Frequency of the Bod; if decision is 0 and the location of the Bod is a room: decide yes; decide no. Chapter 4 - Error Checking - Not for release Section 4.1 - Code for validation To Terminate: (- quit; -). To say Patroller Error: say "[bold type]*** Patroller Extension Validation Error ***[roman type][paragraph break]". To say Correct Code: say "Because of this problem, the source could not be translated into a working game. (Correct the source text to remove the difficulty and click on Go once again.)". Section 4.2 - Validation When play begins (this is the validate patrollers rule): repeat with Bod running through Patrollers: if the Bod is RoomLed and the RoomTable of the Bod is Table of NoRooms: say "[Patroller Error]"; say "You have created a RoomLed Patroller without a RoomTable.[paragraph break]"; say "[Correct Code]"; Terminate; if the Bod is DirectionLed and the DirectionTable of the Bod is Table of NoDirections: say "[Patroller Error]"; say "You have created a DirectionLed Patroller without a DirectionTable.[paragraph break]"; say "[Correct Code]"; Terminate; if the Bod is Targeted and the Destination of the Bod is not a room: say "[Patroller Error]"; say "You have created a Targeted Patroller without a Destination or with a Destination that is not a room.[paragraph break]"; say "[Correct Code]"; Terminate; if the Drive of the Bod is less than 0 or the Drive of the Bod is greater than 100: say "[Patroller Error]"; say "You have created a Patroller with a Drive that is outside the range 0 to 100.[paragraph break]"; say "[Correct Code]"; Terminate; if the Turn Frequency of the Bod is less than 1: say "[Patroller Error]"; say "You have created a Patroller with a Turn Frequency that is less than 1.[paragraph break]"; say "[Correct Code]"; Terminate; Patrollers IT ends here.